DevOps Best Practices by David from Rawkode Academy | Platform Engineering? WASM? eBPF? Service mesh? | Kubecon | Cloud Native Episode 14
David discussed:
1. His journey in cloud native and kubernetes
2. Platform Engineering
3. Future of cloud native
4. Career tips and many more.
About the Speaker
🎓 David Flanagan | Founder of @RawkodeAcademy 🎓
David is a CNCF Ambassador, a Kubernetes contributor and host of the official Kubernetes Office Hours, YouTuber at the Rawkode Academy, and a beloved husband and father to his wife, two amazing kids, and a plethora of animals which include a dog, five chinchillas, a degu, and a ferret called Zelda. David has been developing software professionally for nearly 20 years, starting with embedded systems written in C back in 2004, and has spent that entire time learning the paradigms of different programming languages, including C++, PHP, Java, and Haskell - though more recently preferring to work with Go, Rust, and Pony.
About the host
🎓 Rohit Ghumare | Platform & DevOps Advocate🎓
Rohit is a Platform advocate, a Community evangelist running Keep Up, and the DevOps community to empower students and professionals to achieve success in their careers. He actively participates in conferences as a speaker and panelist to bring awareness around DevOps, Security, and Application networking.