City Confidential explores crimes that have impacted cities and towns across America. The iconic, noir-style series goes beyond the headlines to showcase the em...
In 1996, Terri Gilbert called 911 because she had shot an intruder in her home. The intruder was her ex-husband Gene Gilbert, and a nearly identical incident with a previous husband makes Terri's plea of self-defense highly questionable.
Atlanta: Devil Down in Georgia
When Sara Tokars is murdered, her estranged husband Fred Tokars is the prime suspect. But many in Atlanta find it difficult to believe the former prosecutor and part-time judge is involved.
Beverly Hills: Brothers in Arms
A look into the famous California city and infamous murder trials of Lyle and Erik Menendez after the gruesome slaying of their parents.
Macon: Spoonful of Arsenic
After the death of two husbands, a mother-in-law and her 9-year-old daughter, investigators are forced to look closer at beloved town figure Anjette Lyles.
Archer City: Under Suspicion
A rural Texas town is shocked when a woman accuses the local sheriff of a sexual assault while transporting her on the same night she shot her estranged ex-husband.
City Confidential explores crimes that have impacted cities and towns across America. The iconic, noir-style series goes beyond the headlines to showcase the emotional and unexpected stories that catapulted unique communities, both large and small, into the public eye.
Each episode tells the story of one crime, the ensuing investigation, and the ripple effect it had on a community. Speaking with family, friends, detectives, journalists, and others close to the case, the series weaves together firsthand accounts and interview footage to explore the crime and its outcome.