Welcome back to another episode! today we review the results of a roster challenge that we set out nuffles nomads members where you can take any player from any team with no budget! If you want to submit yours email it to [email protected]
#29 - 2025: its all downhill from here...
Welcome to 2025, you made it! Although you may regret it after listening to this episode...sorry not sorry!
#28 - 2024: A Review!
Everyone at All Or Nuffle wishes every single one of our listeners are very merry christmas and a happy new year! <3
#27 - Full Beard Cup: A Recap
join us and some fresh faces and fellow members of the nuffles nomads as we debrief the events of the full beard cup!
#26 - Full Beard Cup Prep & Biscuit Bowl
Probably the single most chaotic episode we have done to date...please try to enjoy it ahaha!
don't forget to comment your biscuit bowl qualifier candidates!